
Week #2: For a Folk Legend, a Time to Read Mail and to Split Logs

Sunday Routine on The New York Times
By Michael Willson
Published on October 1,2010

Summary: Pete Seeger is 91 years old righe now, he just written a new song called "Tomorrow's Children".  He and his wife of 67 years, spend Sundays around the the Dutchess Country house he built by hands, he helped build the Beacon Sloop Club too.  He described his life in this paper.  He would wake up aroud 7:30 anyday, 8 is latest. He doesn't like lounging, he would think of anything instead of lounging.  He said his family is not churchgoers, but they use the word "God" quite often, when he uses it, he feels like in the church.  He usully has a pickup breakfast, sometimes he would eat up the leftover brekfest in the ice box.  He remembered that he mat his wife in Canada. He likes to answer mails, and chopping wood. Mails are important to him, he always work hard to his mails.  He has to use a rolling pin on his legs because theywere swell up, but he said it's never painful, because he didn't eat so much fat of salt or sugar.  He still learning, such as fresh corn only needs to be boiled for two minutes. In the end, he told people a secret, "It's a important thing to learn to talk to people you diagree with".

My Opinion: I think that Mr. Seeger is a really great old sir. One thing he sadi that I really like is his secret, I agree with him, because someone who disagree with you must saw shomething that you are not right, talk with them, you will get more information that can help you to improve yourself.  I think he is a happy person, and he loves his life, That's why he has a longer life.  I want to be a person just like him, write songs when I was old, make people happy, and I will happy too!

Vocabulary:  autographs: a person's own siagnature.
                     Ex: The famous composer autographed copies of his music.
                    theoretically: existing only in theory; hypothetical.
                     Ex: If you conceive it, both theoretically and practically.
                    lounge: to pass time idly and indolently.
                     Ex: The children lounged the whole morning away in the park.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing, kind story about a really happy person, who has family and anything he needs. Mr. Seeger is a man who knows a secret not only longevity, but also happiness=)
